Qasim Kamal Arafat

After five years in engineering, Coach Qasim Arafat discovered that his true calling lies in connecting with people. In 2017, he embarked on a self-discovery journey, joining coREACH to nurture the human side of himself and pursue his passion for coaching. It turned out to be the best decision he had made in a long time—he found his purpose, a sense of belonging, and lived it fully.
His dedication to coREACH’s message made him a Success Partner.
What binds coREACHers is their shared commitment to building humane cultures, each in their own unique way. Coach Qasim’s distinctive approach includes being an Erickson support system (coaches builder), the Joy Infuser, and the Magnet (Sales).
He enriched his coaching journey with certifications, including:
Gallup Certified Strength Coach for individuals, teams, and managers.
Emotional Intelligence Practitioner by MHS.
Professional Certified Coach – International Coaching Federation ICF.
Erickson Solution-Focused Qualified Coach – by Erickson Coaching International.
Beneath these credentials is a human who values religion, wisdom, compassion, peace, and joy. Someone who chose coaching to live those values in meaning and action.

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